The Power of Obedience: A Path to Love and Faith

This is love: that we walk according to his commands. This is the command as you have heard it from the beginning: that you walk in love. 2 John 6 (CSB)

I wish I could say I had a problem with obedience, as in the past tense. Unfortunately, I can’t say that because I still have some disobedience to God. My old self is still hanging around in the closet. It is much smaller, uncomfortable, and almost worn out. Almost. The old self was in total disobedience to God. The old self-thought it knew what was best. It didn’t.

The more I become obedient to God, the better off I become. The more of myself I give to Him, the better person I become. Why can’t I give Him complete obedience if all that is true? It is because I am broken and a sinner. I sometimes still think, in my stubbornness, that I can handle certain things on my own. However, that doesn’t let me out of not trying to get to total obedience. My personality makes me work harder.

The understanding of obedience first comes with the definition of obedience. According to the Dictionary of Bible Themes, obedience is a willingness to submit oneself to God’s will and put it into effect. Scripture emphasizes the necessity for God’s laws to be followed, gives examples, and describes the rewards. (Manser, 2009) It is the willingness to submit to the commands of God. Please note the word willingness in that definition. We genuinely have free will when it comes to obeying God or disobedience. Obedience is not something God is going to force on someone.

So, why would you want to obey if you aren’t being forced? Well, the short answer is that God commands us to follow. So, let’s dig a little deeper to understand obedience better.

As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires of your former ignorance. But as the one who called you is holy, you also are to be holy in all your conduct; for it is written, Be holy, because I am holy. 1 Peter 1:14-16 (CSB)

Obedience is Love

When we obey the commands of God, we show our love for Him. Let’s take the example of children. The parents out there will identify with this example. Suppose you ask your child to clean their room, and they decide they aren’t going to do it. Your child isn’t showing you very much love or respect by disobeying. However, they don’t know that you’re asking them to clean their room because you know there will be a half-eaten sandwich from last week, a spoiled glass of milk, and other things you probably don’t want to know about. You’re looking out for them because you don’t want their room, and eventually, your house becomes insect and rodent-infested.

This is the same with a command from God. He doesn’t command because he has nothing better to do. Instead, he commands you to keep yourself safe and free from harm. So, for example, don’t steal because it is wrong; you might end up in jail or worse.

For this is what love for God is: to keep his commands. And his commands are not a burden. 1 John 5:3 (CSB)

Obedience is Faith

Sometimes, God wants something of you that doesn’t make sense to YOU. The keyword in that sentence is you because whatever God asks makes perfect sense to Him. That is the thing about faith; we never know what God has planned for our lives. We obey out of faith that God knows what he is doing. We have faith that God will work everything out for our good (Romans 8:28). In my life right now, there are things that God is asking me to do that are way outside of my comfort zone and who I am. I am listening and following what He asks of me; some exciting things are happening now.

God Rewards the Obedient

This shouldn’t be the sole motivating factor for obedience to God. However, it is a nice thing to have. Eternal life is the biggest reward for obedience to God’s word. In the book of First John, it says, “And the world with its lust is passing away, but the one who does the will of God remains forever.” (1 John 2:17)

Wrapping Up

This might sound crazy, but there is freedom in obedience. It is hard to put the sense of freedom I feel now into words. I know I have eternal life. I know Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I know I am forgiven. Obedience to God is a small price for what He did for me through His Son.

If you don’t have a relationship with Christ and would like to learn how you can, I would love to hear from you. If you need prayer or someone to talk to, contact me at


Manser, Martin H. 2009. Dictionary of Bible Themes: The Accessible and Comprehensive Tool for Topical Studies. London: Martin Manser.


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