Enhance Your Prayer Life: Tips for a Stronger Connection with God
My prayer life was one of the most challenging things I had to tackle. Yet, the Bible says I should do it. Jesus even shows us how to do it (Matthew 6:9-13). So, why is it so hard for some people? First, there is no right or wrong way to pray. You have to do it. Sometimes, I know that is easier said than done, so I have developed a few tips to help get you started.
Be Consistent
Consistency is vital if you want to be good at anything in life. The same goes for your prayer time. Set a time and stick to it. If you must put it on your calendar to ensure you keep your appointment with God, do it. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to rise before the roosters to hear your prayers. However, it is something I would recommend.
My own prayer time starts at around 5:30 every morning. Some of you just shuddered. My family knows this is my time with God, studying his Word and praying. Also, my day seems much better once I start it with God. I can tell the difference in the days I shortchange my study time. Your prayer life will come alive once you find that perfect time of day.
Eliminate Distractions
Do you remember 5:30 in the morning from the first point? Well, that ties in nicely with this next point: eliminating distractions. At that time in the morning, I have the house to myself. Resist the temptation to pull your phone out, turn on the TV, or start your tablet. Please don’t do it! This is the time you are going to spend with the Lord. He shouldn’t have to compete with the news or whatever else. Now, I will admit that I usually watch a short video concerning whatever I am going to study. It gets turned off as soon as it is over, and I am in my Bible. You can do without electronic distraction for 30 to 45 minutes. It won’t kill you, trust me.
Make a List
If you’re like me, you will forget things if you don’t write them down. You can do this with your prayers, too. God doesn’t mind if you bring a cheat sheet with you. I don’t do this as much as I used to because I pray throughout the day, and if I leave something out in the morning, I can add it to another prayer. Talking to God is like talking to a friend. You wouldn’t tell a friend everything on your mind the first time you speak to them and then not talk to them again for the rest of the day. It’s okay to talk to God several times a day.
Begin by Praising God
I begin every prayer by thanking God for the blessings he has given me up to this point and for the blessings yet to come. Thanking him right from the start is essential because he deserves your praise. It also sets the tone for your prayer time.
Pray Scripture
If you are just stumped on what to pray about or for, pray from scripture. The book of Psalms is an excellent place to find scripture to pray. Psalms is a treasure trove of prayers. It’s a fantastic place to start if you are wondering how.
Pray for Others
Next, I pray for others. Think about anyone you know who may need prayers. Sometimes, you don’t need to know them to pray for them. God knows where to route those prayers; he always delivers. I used to have the most challenging time with this concept, but I know my prayers will go where they need to go.
Pray for Specific Things
It is okay to pray for specific things. It isn’t being selfish if you do. I pray over particular decisions that I make. For example, I prayed that God would give me direction on this blog and all the other things I have planned. He already knows you’re thinking it; you may as well pray over it. However, make sure that what you are praying for isn’t for selfish reasons. Don’t go praying to win the lottery or anything else along those lines.
Don’t Limit Your Prayers
Never limit your prayers. You are talking to God, and he can do anything. We should pray for our nation, state, county, and city. Never think God won’t listen to a prayer if you put it out there. I regularly pray for the leaders in all those areas. Pray big!
Pray Anytime!
I used to pray one big, long prayer in the mornings, and they still are relatively long, but I have started praying throughout the day. You can pray anytime and anywhere. In the car on the way to work…pray. At work, before you start your day…pray. If you are stressed out during the workday…pray. I think you get the point.
Document or Journal
I journal almost every morning. Once I fill up one book, I start another. It is cool to go back and see your thoughts on a particular day. You can see how God is working in your life. Also, I have gone through some of my old journals to remind myself of answered prayers.
So, there you go. Here are a few tips to help you with your prayer life. Of course, your prayer time is yours, and you should tailor it to what makes you comfortable. How can I pray for you? Please let me know by emailing me through my contacts page.