The Jesus and Plain Talk Story
I was born in Louisiana, but just six weeks later, I was a Texan. My dad was a commercial fisherman, so we were nomadic because of that job. By age 13, I had lived in 13 different states. However, Texas was where I spent my formative years. I graduated high school and met my wife of 31 years in Texas. My wife and I are the proud parents of two grown children and now make our home in East Texas.
I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 27. After that, however, I fell in and out of Christianity for many years. I finally got it right in the fall of 2019 and have never looked back. If you want to know the whole story, check out my testimony page, where I explain everything.
In June 2021, I felt a strong urge to go into ministry. I was already teaching an adult Sunday school class, but I felt like God was calling me to something more. After meeting with my pastor several times, we concluded that I felt called into the ministry. I did not want to take this lightly, so there was a lot of prayer and discussion with my wife. In August of 2021, I enrolled in Liberty University Online to finish an associates I had started many years ago. I changed it to biblical studies and began school in August of 2021. It was not long until I realized an associate’s degree would not satisfy me, so I switched to a bachelor’s degree in religion with a concentration on digital discipleship. In August 2023, I completed the degree.
In May 2023, I accepted the minister of spiritual development position at my home church, Southside Baptist. This is a bi-vocational position, which means I will keep my full-time job and work in the ministry. I am always in prayer that I am following God’s direction, and now that I have graduated, I plan to work diligently for my church and the Jesus and Plain Talk ministries.